Sale Countdown Timer

Boost conversions by showing customers how much time is left to grab your deals.

  • Increase Conversions

    Create urgency with real-time countdowns that encourage shoppers to act quickly.

  • Highlight Limited-Time Offers

    Showcase the remaining time for sales, promotions, or discounts to attract attention.

  • Enhance Customer Engagement

    Add a dynamic visual element to your store that keeps customers focused on completing their purchases.

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Emoji icon 1f4a1.svg

Why It Works?

A ticking timer creates a sense of urgency, pushing shoppers to act before they miss out. This proven psychological trigger can significantly boost sales and reduce cart abandonment.

How to Get Started

  • 1

    Download Crucials

    Install the app from the BigCommerce App Store and gain instant access to our suite of apps.

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  • 2

    Choose The App

    Browse through our extensive library of 30+ powerful apps, each designed to address different aspects of your needs. Find the perfect combination of apps that best align with your goals.

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  • 3

    Customize The App

    Tailor each app to perfectly suit your store’s unique needs and business goals. With customizable settings and options, you can adjust features to create a personalized shopping experience that resonates with your customers.

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  • 4

    Enjoy The Results!

    Watch your store grow as the apps work together to increase sales, improve engagement, and maximize revenue.

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Emoji icon 1f917.svg

Enable Sale Countdown Timer today and watch your sales soar!